Friday, November 16, 2012

Today contemplating the Universe as I'm riding my bicycle:  I can see where string theory comes from having gone into the ideas that waves, ie light waves, radio waves, sound waves et al, are moving along lines of travel that could be analogous to guitar strings necessitating tension at either end pulling in opposite directions.  If such is the case, what are those forces that are pulling in opposite directions?  In a vortex shape such as a galaxy it would seem that centrifical forces are pulling out from the center, but then there are also magnetic forces and gravitational forces, but it seems that these forces are already spoken for and held accountable in equations.  (I think it is one thing to read about something, and another to come to the same conclusion through ones own train of thought.  Don't you?)
    Now to break a bit in to metaphysical reality a bit, one idea that came to me is that the only force that is holding the Universe that I perceive together is that one that holds each of our individual universes together: our personal beliefs, both conscious and unconscious.  Therefore, what holds my universe together, the tensions that hold my life together are my conception and my death, and that my life is strung much like a guitar string between these two, then played throughout my life in terms of positive and negative experiences throughout.  If it were transposed into music, it would be a song with major and minor chords, dissonance, harmony and some times that sound like the dinger of the car door is stuck or somebody won't put their seatbelt on in a new car.  Each person is then a song, and we are all a great symphony of calamity and euphony and sympathy.

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